Genealogy is cool and all, but if you really came here looking for one of Jim's Caesars, click here.
At the "Macorema" party held at the Reidy home in Moose Jaw, it somehow seemed like a good idea to make some resolutions! One we all seemed to share was to lose weight … so that is how this contest happened…
EXPO 1986! A MACOREMA camping trip was planned for 1986, but when a Regina to Vancouver train trip was advertised, everyone got on board!
The Vase!! 'Donna, the kindest thing you could do to that vase is to drop it!' And yet ...
One of Joanne's Legacy projects was compiling a cookbook of favourite recipes from several family members. She didn't tell anyone (except Brian) that she was doing this, and surprised us all at Christmas 2006 with a personalized copy.